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ARCHES Matched Album Sound RIG Profiles for Kemper

ARCHES includes Kemper Profiles based on Arch Enemy album sound.

RIGs developed creating the same sound of the original album guitar sounds, thanks to the tone matching process creating an impulse responses getting the same identical specific guitar equalization.



8 Profiles created for the 8 different rhythm guitar sounds in each albums

Instruction file.


Matched albums:

  1. Wages Of Sin (2002)
  2. Anthems Of Rebellion (2003)
  3. Doomsday Machine (2005)
  4. Rise Of The Tyrant (2007)
  5. Khaos Legions (2012)
  6. War Eternal (2014)
  7. Will It Power (2017)
  8. Deceivers (2022)


Note: The profiles have been created starting from the ARCHES EQ Match Quad Cortex version pack and then mixed inside the kemper. So is possible to get slighty differences compared to the QC version.


What RIG and AMP mean for Presets For All?

Are available on Store 2 different kind of packages, one is called RIG while the other one is called AMP.

AMP is the simplest to understand, basically is the entire amplifier captured by the Kemper making some profiles in different settings. This package will includes ONLY the RAW AMP signal of the real amplifier captured in different settings.

RIG is what you normally use in a studio to record an album. RIG will involve an amplifier, a cabinet, one or more speakers, one or more microphones, preamplifiers..

Overall AMP package MUST be used with Impulse Responses as cabinet (You can find lot of choices in our store), while RIG package can be used directly or adding some modulation effects as you want.

ARCHES Matched Album Sound RIG Profiles for Kemper

€ 24,99Price
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